This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Sofia Moss Sofia Moss 2 years, 8 months ago.

Elementor Pro + Borlabs Cookie

  • User Level

    Hello, I would like to use super store finder with borlabs, but no map is displayed after consent, only a shortcode [SUPER-STORE-FINDER]

    i use elementor pro shortcode:

    [borlabs-cookie id="googlemaps" type="content-blocker"] [SUPER-STORE-FINDER] [/borlabs-cookie]

    can someone help?


    Sofia Moss
    StaffSuper ContributorUser Level

    Hi there,

    We’re not sure if the plugin is compatible with Borlabs Cookie, I guess there’s a way to find out by following the steps below.

    Firstly, ensure that you post the shortcode using Elementor Text Box element as per knowledge base article here.

    Next, try to post only [SUPER-STORE-FINDER] shortcode without Borlabs Cookie shortcode, if it works, it means that it’s not compatible with Borlabs Cookie.

    If both shortcodes with / without Borlabs Cookies don’t work above, continue troubleshooting steps below.

    Next, you can try to disable the WP Theme (restore to default) and all plugins, then refresh the page, then try to enable the theme and plugins one by one to see which one might cause the source conflict.


    User Level

    works without Borlabs cookie..
    Do you plan to make the Superstorfinder compatible with Bolabs?

    Sofia Moss
    StaffSuper ContributorUser Level

    Hi Konstatntin,

    Good to know that, we have forwarded this to our devs team so they can have a closer look. It’s not in the current plan, although, we’ll get the devs to check on it first.

    Have a nice day!


    Sofia Moss
    StaffSuper ContributorUser Level

    Hi there,

    Our devs team have just added a new feature from existing GDPR settings at admin settings page, if set to Yes, it will prompt an acceptance with cookies before showing the map, more details available in this knowledge base article here GDPR Cookie for Super Store Finder Google Maps Store Locator Page.

    Regarding Borlabs Cookie plugin, our devs team have checked and tested this on a staging site, it appears that Super Store Finder plugin needs a full page refresh to load all the libraries including loading Google Maps functions and special libraries. Borlabs Cookie seems to load the plugin using JavaScript and may have missed some of the libraries/script which are not being called when loading the page using JavaScript instead of a full page refresh. This can be seen from browser console under Network tab. You may try to contact Borlabs Cookie plugin developers if there’s a way to refresh the page after the GDPR consent is being Accepted or alternatively redirect to a WP page with the store locator shortcode.

    They’ve tested Borlabs Cookie with a couple of store locator plugins as well and some of them are not able to load as well because of the same reason above.

    Also, an alternative method is to load the store locator into a blank page without WP theme header / footer and call it via iframe as this tested and seems to work well using example iframe call below.

    [borlabs-cookie id="googlemaps" type="content-blocker"]<iframe src="" width="100%" height="900px" frameborder="no" scrolling="yes"></iframe>[/borlabs-cookie]

    Take note, the above iframe call is calling the standalone PHP version just for testing purposes, although you can try to change the source (src) into your custom WP page.


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