This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Sofia Moss Sofia Moss 9 years, 3 months ago.

Patch Notes (Last updated: 25 Aug 2023)

  • Sofia Moss
    StaffSuper ContributorUser Level

    3.7 (Last updated: 24 Aug 2023)

    • Upgrade admin login library. Fixed a vulnerability issue if default admin username is not changed to something else.
    • Removed predefined field values at admin login page
    • Frontend query enhanced security update

    3.6 (Last updated: 27 Nov 2022)

    • Added lat and lng url parameter to be passed to store locator map
    • Added location url parameter to be passed to store locator map

    3.5 (Last updated: 15 Jun 2022)

    • Added Approve/Disapprove toggler at admin store listing page

    3.4 (Last updated: 7 May 2021)

    • Fixed PHP deprecated method warning message from showing

    3.3 (Last updated: 12 Dec 2019)

    • Added GDPR Compliant settings
    • Updated send mail charset header

    3.2 (Last updated: 20 Jul 2019)

    • Added Google Geocoding key field (for import) at admin settings page

    3.1 (Last updated: 20 Mar 2019)

    • Added category url parameter

    3.0 (Last updated: 17 Aug 2018)

    • Update installation file to support HTTPS / SSL

    2.9 (Last Update  6 June 2016)

    2.9.1 (Last Update 28 June 2016)

    • Added Google API key field at admin settings page

    2.9.2 (Last Update 21 July 2016)

    • Fixed double Google Maps API call at Request Add Store page

    2.9.3 (Last Update 31 Mar 2017)

    • Added API key in import/geocode module

    2.9.4 (Last Update 8 Jul 2018)

    • Removed sensor parameter from Google Maps API calls

    2.8 * MAJOR UPDATE * (Last Update 11 Jan 2016)

    • Updated all codes to mysqli
    • Added print button at directions page
    • added contact form

    2.8.1 (Last Update 1 April 2016)

    • Added Thumbnail Previewer for image uploader

    2.7 (Last Update 27 June 2015)

    • Added embed video functionality (upgrade instructions here)

    2.6 (Last Update 21st June 2015)

    • You can now paste custom google maps style code (i.e via admin settings page
    • Added sort by approved status for stores in admin area

    2.5 (Last Update 7th June 2015)

    • Added search box widget
    • Added language translation for Street View, Zoom here, Directions

    2.4 * MAJOR UPDATE *(Last Update 22nd Feb 2015)

    • Added settings page at Admin Area (More Details)
    • Set General settings such as default distance, language, zoom levels, geo ip enabled/disabled, default location, etc
    • Set Styles settings such as top bar color, buttons color, results list color, map hue color, etc

    2.3 version 2.3 (Last Update 3rd Feb 2015)

    • Fixed miles and km issue during finding stores
    • Fixed radius issue in responsive version
    • Added default distance unit at installation page

    2.2 version 2.2 (Last Update 31st Jan 2015)

    • Fixed scrolling list issue that scrolls the entire page
    • Added scroll easing effect
    • Enhanced Request Add Store page for the responsive version
    • Enhanced embed feature for responsive and Compact themes

    2.1 (Last updated: 29 Jan 2015)

    • Added 2 steps Installation Tool for Super Store Finder

    2.0 (Last updated: 2 Jan 2015)

    • Added Geo IP functionality that able to detect visitor City and Country.
    • Fixed drag and drop longitude detection at Add / Edit Store page due to Google Maps Update

    1.9 (Last updated: 4 Sept 2014)

    • Drag and Drop Marker is now available at request add store, add new store and edit store page.

    1.9.1 (Last updated: 18 Nov 2014)

    1.8 (Last updated: 15 Aug 2014)

    • Added import and geo code stores from csv list at admin area
    • Added backup export stores at admin area
    • Added restore stores feature at admin area
    • Video for Import/Geocode CSV List, Backup and Restore available here.

    1.8.1 (Last updated: 24 Aug 2014)

    • Added append options for CSV import & geocode

    1.7 (Last updated: 13 Aug 2014)

    • Fixed result scroll to view upon clicking marker
    • Fixed bouncing markers issue
    • Replace obsolete mktime function at admin login page
    • Fixed pagination in category page
    • Fixed pagination in admin user list page

    1.6 (Last updated: 25 Mar 2014)

    • Fixed distance radius more than 1000 miles/km

    1.6.1 (Last updated: 11 April 2014)

    • Fixed distance bug in Firefox non EN language settings

    1.5 (Last updated: 28 Jan 2013)

    • Updated to jQuery 1.9
    • Responsive version is now available for download
    • Fixed pagination bug in admin
    • Fixed misc javascript and bootstrap conflict error

    1.5.1 (Last updated: 28 Jan 2013)

    • Improve the layout of responsive version

    1.5.2 (Last updated: 30 Jan 2013)

    • Added responsive embed code for templates with dynamic sizes

    1.5.3 (Last updated: 16 Mar 2013)

    • Fixed transparency for png category icon
    • Add store search filter in administrator’s area

    1.5.4 (Last updated: 27 Mar 2013)

    • Fixed address list inconsistency in Firefox and Chrome browser

    1.5.5 (Last updated: 14 Mar 2014)

    • Fixed text encoding issues
    • Fixed embed code in responsive version
    • Fixed front end CSS for responsive version

    1.5.6 (Last updated: 15 Mar 2014)

    • Fixed distance sorting issue (solution in FAQ here)

    1.5.7 (Last updated: 17 Mar 2014)

    • -Multi-language for no nearby stores notification fix

    1.4 (Last updated: 28 Dec 2012)

    • Google Maps Direction feature is now live and available for download

    1.3 (Last updated: 27 Dec 2012)

    • Added Street view link at info window
    • Added Zoom here link at info window
    • Searching store by category is now available
    • Upload and customize category icons

    1.2 (Last updated: 18 Dec 2012)

    • Supports multi-language with 8 language file translations included
    • Users are able to set default language from config file (
    • Languages Pack download page is now available (Email me if you would like to contribute your translation; refer FAQ for guide)
    • Fixed Store Finder misc CSS issues
    • Email notification is now in various languages
    • Description will now be shown at front end unless blank

    1.2.1 (Last updated: 18 Dec 2012)

    • Super Store Finder Import Tool using CSV is now available
    • Added pagination to store list at backend
    • Added pagination to user admin list at backend
    • Added Arabic language

    1.2.2 (Last updated: 20 Dec 2012)

    • Fixed pagination showing extra empty page

    1.2.3 (Last updated: 21 Dec 2012)

    • Fixed floating map covering form in add / edit store page in admin area

    1.1 (Last updated: 16 Dec 2012)

    • Fixed misc Javascript and CSS Issues

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