This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  rockmartin 6 years, 3 months ago.

Reviews & Ratings Add-on

  • User Level


    please develop the reviews & ratings Add-on for the standalone version!

    StaffUser Level

    Hi Rockmartin,

    Thank you for posting at Features Wishlist forums, we’ll submit this to our planning and devs team so they can decide to include in this the future development roadmap.

    Wishlist Team
    Super Store Finder

    User Level

    Any updates for a rating Add-on for the standalone version?

    StaffUser Level

    Hi rockmartin,

    Our devs are currently in tight schedule with upgrades and customization, we’ll update you on the timeline again for the development of this add-on in the standalone version.

    Wishlist Team
    Super Store Finder

    User Level

    I add my vote YES for the reviews/ratings feature as an add-on to the stand alone Super Store Finder script. It should be compatible with all themes so that we don’t have to buy a separate add-on for responsive, standard, compact, mega…

    User Level

    I am interested in Reviews & Ratings Add-on as well, via comments.
    Integrate it with WP Comments Images & Videos to allow users to review via comments and add images and videos to their reviews.

    StaffUser Level

    Thanks for your suggestion, we’ll get our devs team to consider this features in the near future.

    Best Regards.

    User Level

    Hi Melanie,
    Any updates for a rating Add-on for the standalone version?

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