Provinces of Canada

A map that shows provinces of Canada, clicking each region will point to a custom external url.


Map of Brazil with Interactive Pop up

Here are a few examples of Brazil Maps, you can customize the region colors, marker size and interactivity via admin page.


Link to Your Store Locator

You can publish interactive maps anywhere on your website which can be linked to custom location in your store locator. Below are the admin view on how you can do this.

* Note the store locator plugin is sold separately, which is available here.

Below are the steps to add a link to your store locator

1. Add a map

2. Add a location

3. Choose Call to Action > Link to Super Store Finder

4. Enter the url of your store locator and location

* For detailed, view refer to below screenshot



Figure 1: Marker locations with Call to Action to Link to Super Store Finder


Figure 2: While selecting Call to Action to link to store locator, you can assign store locator url and location to query.

The result is, when clicking on the marker, it will open up your store finder page with the default location entered, in this example “New York” as screenshot below


United States of America (USA) Maps

This is the United States map divided into colored regions with just simple hover tooltips. You can create other countries maps with their states/regions as well. There are over 300 maps included all in one plugin, click on the Map Demos from the menu to view more.

You can refer to the admin screenshot below to create US map like above.


Below is an example of interactive map in Florida, try click on the circle marker to see an interactive pop up window


Palm Beach

Click this location to view a pop up which showcase video and image content.


Click this location to view a pop up which showcase video and image content.




Easy to Use Responsive Interactive Maps WordPress Plugin

Try to click different markers on the map, each of them have individual call to action which can be set via the administrator’s panel.



Pop up information window showcasing video and photos.



Pop up information window showcasing a YouTube video.


Link to an existing window with video and destination details.


If marker are close to each other, the zoom feature to allow ease of selection.


Link to a new window opening a Wiki site showing more information.

Store Locator

Link to Store Locator (Note: Super Store Finder plugin is sold separately)

In addition, you can show different regions with different colors on the World Map as example below: