I’m getting high rate of FAILED results with Bulk Import and Geocode

Try to download the latest version of Super Store Finder from Codecanyon and patch admin/import.php and retry import


Edit admin/import.php and search for

$data = file_get_contents($data_location);

Add the following code below it:


Once save and done, retry to Import and Geo Code

If methods above failed

This depends on what’s the recent updates on google maps geocoding service which is free unless you subscribe for the premium. It should be able to handle massive bulk look up, sometimes you may get failed results due to address format, timeout, etc. If you get a lot of failure, I suggest to perform the following steps:

1) Upload all your addresses in CSV at import page (i.e sample1.csv – 60k rows)
2) Wait until all the geo coding is done (it may take sometime)
3) From Admin, go to Import/Export menu and under Backup Stores, click on Export All Existing Stores to CSV

Use excel to filter out stores with
latitude = 0 or
longitude = 0

4) Edit sample1.csv (backup this first to avoid losing data)
5) Open a new excel and copy the entire row of address column and paste it in the address column (i.e 300 rows)
6) Delete which ever remaining rows (59,700 rows which has been geocoded successfully)
7) Save and reupload this CSV in the import page.
8.) Repeat Step 3-7 until all your addresses are geo coded.

Alternative if all fails you can use this Geo-coding reference site : http://www.findlatitudeandlongitude.com/batch-geocode/

Alternatively you can also use a solution provided by CodeBrauer who has contributed his code here:



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