How to configure the By Regions Point of Interest (POI) shortcut location in Mega Locator theme?

This is very easy to do, just follow the steps below:

1. Edit mega-embed.php and search for the following code (3 occurences, line 87, 204 and 287)

<ul class=”small-block-grid-2 space-top”>

<li> <label><input id=”storesRegion” class=”js-inputify” name=”storesRegion” type=”radio” value=”New York” /> North America </label></li>
<li> <label><input id=”storesRegion” class=”js-inputify” name=”storesRegion” type=”radio” value=”London” /> Europe </label></li>
<li> <label><input id=”storesRegion” class=”js-inputify” name=”storesRegion” type=”radio” value=”Rio de Janeiro” /> South America </label></li>
<li> <label><input id=”storesRegion” class=”js-inputify” name=”storesRegion” type=”radio” value=”Iran” /> Middle East </label></li>
<li> <label><input id=”storesRegion” class=”js-inputify” name=”storesRegion” type=”radio” value=”Cape Town” /> Africa </label></li>
<li> <label><input id=”storesRegion” class=”js-inputify” name=”storesRegion” type=”radio” value=”Seoul” /> Asia </label></li>


2. You can edit the label (in green) and point of interest (in orange) from the code above.
