How do I add or customize the radius radio button in responsive version?

As for adding the miles radius, edit index.php and embed.php and in example below I’ve added a 30 miles (make sure you change the value in the input html tag)

<h2 class=”title-bg” style=”padding-bottom:10px !important; “>
<input type=”radio” id=”distance” name=”distance” value=”30″ onChange=”cachesearch = ”; $(‘#clinic-finder-form’).submit();”> 30
<div class=”radius-distance” style=”display:inline;”><?php echo DEFAULT_DISTANCE; ?></div>

<input type=”radio” id=”distance” name=”distance” value=”50″ onChange=”cachesearch = ”; $(‘#clinic-finder-form’).submit();”> 50
<div class=”radius-distance” style=”display:inline;”><?php echo DEFAULT_DISTANCE; ?></div>
<input type=”radio” id=”distance” name=”distance” value=”100″ checked onChange=”cachesearch = ”; $(‘#clinic-finder-form’).submit();”> 100 <div class=”radius-distance” style=”display:inline;”><?php echo DEFAULT_DISTANCE; ?></div></h2>

To set default radius, edit js/super-store-finder-mobile.js and change below code highlighted in bold:

	gmap_location_lookup(geoip_city()+', '+geoip_country_name(),'100',''); 	
} else {

To modify distance radius for standalone non-responsive version, you can refer to this article here.


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