Hide and Reposition Default Map Controls – Zoom and Pan

You can edit js/mega-superstorefinder.js (For standalone version, you can edit js/super-store-finder.js / js/super-store-finder-mobile.js)

Search for keyword:

mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,

Add the following code below the code above (there might be more than one occurrences which need to be edited).

disableDefaultUI: true,

To remove all the zoom controls, in the same file.

Search for all codes with

zoomControl: true,

Change it to:

zoomControl: false,

For more info on how to reposition zoom, pan and street view controls available here https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/controls

You can re-position zoom controls by adding additional code as below

 zoomControlOptions: {
        position: google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_CENTER

Default Map UI for Google Maps in Super Store Finder


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