Displaying Tags/Categories in Info Window/Result List

If you wish to display categories/tags in the info window or result list, you can refer to below steps.

How To Show or Hide Tags in Super Store Finder for WordPress


For Version 5.3 and Above

You can toggle to display Tags in Info Window or Result list from Super Store Finder > Settings > Filter Panel. The settings will be Tags in Info Window and Tags in Result List set to Yes or No.


For Older Legacy Versions

1. Open and edit ssf-wp-functions.php

Find below code at near line 3178

<div class="store-exturl">
<div class="infobox__subtitle">$exturl_label</div>
Ext placeholder


Add in below code before the code above.

<div class="infobox__row store-products-services"></div>

2. Open and edit ssf-wp-xml.php

Go to near line 212 and find below code

$row['ssf_wp_tags'] = str_replace(',', ',', $row['ssf_wp_tags']);

Add in below code after above line code

echo '<productsServices>'.rtrim($row['ssf_wp_tags'],',').'</productsServices>';

3. Open and edit js/mega-superstorefinder.js

Go to near line 1325 and find below code

state : getText($storeXMLElem.find('state')),

Add in below code after above line of code.

productsServices : getText($storeXMLElem.find('productsServices'))

To display the tags at result list, you can follow the steps below

4. Open and edit mega-superstorefinder.js go to line 1459

search for below code

'<div class="infobox__row store-website" style="display:none;"><a target="new" href="',_store.website.replace(/(http:\/\/)\1/, '$1'),'">',



and add below code right after the code above

'<div class="infobox__row store-products-services">',

 _store.productsServices , 


Edit css/mega-superstorefinder.css

Search and change from:

store-locator__store-list .store-operating-hours,
.store-locator__store-list .store-products-services {
    display: none;


store-locator__store-list .store-operating-hours,
.store-locator__store-list .store-products-services {
    display: block;

.store-locator__store-list .store-products-services {
    padding-top: 0px;
	padding-bottom: 10px;

.store-locator__infobox--in-map .store-products-services {
    padding-top: 10px;



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