You can display more details such as telephone, email address, website, etc in the result list by using CSS override code below
To show website:
.store-website{ display:block !important; }
To show external URL:
.store-exturl{ display:block !important; }
To show email:
.store-email{ display:block !important; }
To show description:
.store-description{ display:block !important; }
To show telephone:
.store-tel{ display:block !important; }
To show fax:
.store-fax{ display:block !important; }
To show operating hours:
.store-locator__store-list .store-operating-hours{ display:block !important; }
Alternatively, you can do it by editing code especially if you need to customize the arrangement, styling, etc even further. You can edit the code in js/mega-superstorefinder.js and search for below keywords.
For example, to display telephone, edit the div tag for phone from:
style="display:block !important;"
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