Changing Map Marker Size Ratio

To change the map marker image size, you can change the width and height ratio from the files below (i.e change 58 to 60):


1. Open the 3 files listed below
2. Press Ctrl + F and search for keyword 58 and change it to your desired width (The height will automatically be detected)
3. Be sure to reupload the markers after the code change
4. Clear browser cache and refresh the page to see the new map marker size

* Ignore the line of code below, just use ctrl + F and search for ALL keyword 58 and replace them to your new width value

superstorefinder-wp\ssf-wp-admin\pages\settings.php (8 hits)
    Line 47:     $width = 58;
    Line 48:     $height = 58/$ratio;
    Line 54:     $width = 58*$ratio;
    Line 55:     $height = 58;
    Line 109:    $width = 58;
    Line 110:    $height = 58/$ratio;
    Line 113:    $width = 58*$ratio;
    Line 114:    $height = 58;
superstorefinder-wp\ssf-wp-functions.php (4 hits)
    Line 2769:   $width = 58;
    Line 2770:   $height = 58/$ratio;
    Line 2774:   $width = 58*$ratio;
    Line 2775:   $height = 58;
superstorefinder-wp\ssf-wp-inc\actions\process-stores.php (4 hits)
    Line 146:    $width = 58;
    Line 147:    $height = 58/$ratio;
    Line 151:    $width = 58*$ratio;
    Line 152:    $height = 58;

For Custom categories Add-on, edit below code:

superstorefinder-wp\categories.php (4 hits)
    Line 49:    $width = 58;
    Line 50:    $height = 58/$ratio;
    Line 54:    $width = 58*$ratio;
    Line 55:    $height = 58;

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